Anime NYC 2018: Masquerade Ultra Deluxe


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Isn’t the Masquerade everyone’s favorite part of an Anime Convention? It’s where cosplayer’s get to showcase what they poured their hard work and dedication into. Whether be through sewing, knitting, molding and other forms of crafting, I am excited to see it. I also love to see the skits prepared for these events, they are usually- always the funniest way to see some of our favorite characters portrayed.

This year the contestants did not disappoint.

We were given the privilege of attending Anime NYC as press and were granted access to much of what the convention had to offer. Press coverage of the Masquerade Ultra Deluxe was great. We took some video and photos of all the participants in this year’s event.
Winners of the Masquerade Ultra Deluxe. These winners received the judges’ awards.
Anime NYC 2018
If you want to see what we caught you can go to our Instagram page and check out the Anime NYC highlight. Our Instagram is already full of cosplayers we took photos of at Anime NYC but there still more to come. We had so much fun and took so many photos to be sure to check the photography page to see all our photos

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Here’s a gallery of all the photos we took at Anime NYC!

Anime NYC 2018

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