Anime NYC – King Vader’s Q&A


This past weekend was Anime NYC 2022 and it was so much fun and exhausting at the same time. The lack of sleep is always rewarding after meeting so many new people and seeing so many panels. This King Vader panel is one of the panels that required a reservation to get in.

The panel was a pretty big room and a good amount of people showed up for an 11 am Sunday panel after we had just left last night around 11:30 pm.

Read more: Anime NYC – King Vader’s Q&A

King Vader was one of the headliners for this year’s con, being such a young and successful filmmaker that has used social media to share his work. I am super proud of him; seeing his real-time success has been a great experience. Seeing social media celebrate great people will always make being on the internet worthwhile.

Images I took at the Q&A panel at Anime NYC of Content Creator King Vader and Ameratron.

  • King vader, Ameratron
  • King vader, Ameratron

The panel was a Q&A session with a showcase of a few of King Vader’s videos and a special announcement.

Naruto The Movie is getting a sequel! We were allowed to record the trailer but my phone didn’t pick it up very well I’ll share it anyway.

The official announcement of Hood Naruto The Movie 2. will be dropped at Dream Con 2023 as he said at Anime NYC.

King Vader also dropped this tweet.

After this big reveal, a lot of fans got up to ask questions in the remaining time. One even asked if they had any job openings and they did! So hopefully they get that job and get the experience to work with someone so talented.

Some of the fans were content creators themselves and asked great questions about staying motivated, and how to figure out their creation process. Vader answered every question to the best of his ability and shared some encouraging knowledge for his fans to work on their content.

The biggest piece of advice that I took from this panel is to create content that is true to you. If you’re going to follow trends be sure to not fall too far from the content you love creating. Content creation is all about you and what you want to see out there. Creating content is not for the weak either, so I salute all the creators out there from our Bloggers to Filmmakers. This isn’t an easy job even for a creative person.

Nothing but praise for this upcoming filmmaker and actor and wish nothing but greatness for all his future projects.

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Are You familiar with King Vader’s work? If so do you have a favorite video? Be sure to check him out on social media. Support the content you like seeing so creators and continue to create it!

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