Love! Love! Fighting!
Love! Love! Fighting! by Sharean Morishita follows a bi-racial young woman named Orianna. After an unexpected encounter, she loses her...
Love! Love! Fighting! by Sharean Morishita follows a bi-racial young woman named Orianna. After an unexpected encounter, she loses her...
What is Tephlon Funk! Exactly? A comic book series by Stephane Metayer which follows a young girl from Queensbridge Houses, Inez...
I came upon another webtoon that caught my eye called Where Tangents Meet created by Instantmiso. I was looking for...
I just recently got into Webtoon's and began reading graphic novels again. I came across one called, UNTOUCHABLE, which I...
Runaways I saw a few write up's on this a few months ago. I was hyped. This was something I...
If you haven't noticed by now, I am a fan of Marvel Comics. And this Cloak & Dagger series looks...
My Favorite Reverse Harem I have read so far is Alice in the Country of Hearts. I love reading manga...
Summary: Hana Kimi is manga series serialize in 1996 by Hisaya Nakajo. The series ran until 2004 ending with a...
Disney has been doing right by Marvels legacy so far. And too be honest, I was skeptical at first. Because Disney...
Princeless created by Jeremy Whitley (more…)