Introducing STAR CHILD
STAR CHILD is an up and coming animated project written by Brandon Crumbly and Gabe Kunda. Produced by Powerhouse Animation, The story follows a 22-year-old Arrin Akari, A Super Mech Pilot from Solara’s Aeronautics and Technology Academy. One year after leaving his home in Solar City, Arrin embarks on a trip to the Nuriba Desert where is uncovered a thriving Utopian and his longtime best friend Kit Spectre. With the assistance of Kit, and LULA, his digital assistant, Arrin finds himself faced with conflict and the very thing he ran from.
Starting Voice Actor: Zeno Robinson
Black People in Space, piloting giant Robots. Sounds super exciting to me. Add in some dope looking animation. Adding other elements and things that I love about Japanese Animation into a Black American made story. Mix that with some music that is sure to enhance the experience to make it a little spicy, and I’m all in.
These were the type of things I urns for as a kid. Since being a teenage Gundam, the pilot isn’t an option. (I still wish it was!) But this is the closes I’m going to get to indulge myself, and I couldn’t be happier. So let ya girl live!
For those of you who are interested, I posted an interview with Co-writer Brandon, where it talks about the project in a bit more detail. This interview was what locked me in. So be sure to check it out.
STAR CHILD is currently in development. The goal is to turn this into television series, but no other details have been made public.
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Is STAR CHILD something you’d be into?
Visuals very Gurren Lagann and those tunes very Nunjabes!!! Nice work!!
Now I think about it. it does feel like Gurren Lagann. The music definitely has a nujabes vibe. That’s something I noticed first. Thank you for reading.