Latin Nerd Cosplayer: Cosplay Made me a Better Person


Luis Solivan, a.k.a the Latin Nerd Cosplayer is a 30-year-old man from Queens New York.  Born and raised in New York City, Louie embraced much of what the city has to offer. A huge nerd in his own right. Louie expresses himself in many different ways through music, photography and his cosplay.  

I got the opportunity to sit down and talk to him, here is what he had to say.

1) How long have you been cosplaying? What inspired you to start cosplaying? 

Louie: I’ve been cosplaying since around 2012. The first convention I cosplayed at was New York Comic Con. The reason I got into cosplay was that I have a little brother that used to cosplay and he convinced me to give try.

2) Based on your IG, Is it safe to say that Spider-man is your favorite comic book hero?

Louie: He’s not really my favorite but he’s more relatable, he’s nerdy like a lot of us. He’s shy most of the time, He’s not really mean-spirited like the shows like to paint him. That’s not how he is in the comic books, so Spider-man is my number one but also because his suit is easy to buy.

3) Off the top of your head, how many conventions have you attended? 

Louie: I’ve been to Otakon, New York Comic Con, Flame Con, Big Apple Comic Con, The Great Philadelphia Comic Con and Winter Con.

4) Do you have a favorite convention?

Louie: That’s hard to choose my favorite convention would have to be AnimeNYC. What I like about AnimeNYC is that you don’t have to wait to get into the Con to take pictures. That’s one of my favorites but I have other favorites like Flame Con which an LGBTQ convention in New York.

5) Is there a character that you would like to cosplay that you’ve haven’t had an opportunity too?

Louie: The first cosplay that I really want to do is because I’m a huge huge Power Rangers fan. I met all the original cast, all of them are cool and down to earth. Even the fans are all awesome but being a Power Ranger itself wearing the actual cosplay, will be a dream come true for me. That’s what I wanted to do all my life.
I’m also planning to do Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat. I already ordered the suit, I just need to get the mask I’m planning to wear him at AnimeNYC.

6) You mention that you purchase your cosplay, do you do any of the designing yourself?

Louie: I’m living with my boyfriend, we’ve been together for almost 10 years he helps me with my cosplay. He made my Carnage suit and helps me modify my other cosplay.
7) I saw that you have a YouTube channel. How would you describe your content? 

Louie: On my channel, I put random stuff. Now it’s more focused. Not just cosplay or conventions but other nerdy stuff like video games. YouTube has been changing a lot so now I just upload whenever.  

8) How was your experience visiting St.Mary Children Hospital?

Louie: St. Mary’s was amazing I have done stuff in a hospital before it was sad but It was great to see all the kid’s smile. I’ve seen it all but I’m a strong person so I don’t let me affect me as much.

9) Do you feel that cosplaying can have a positive effect on a cosplayer’s mental health?

Louie: I think it can, for me I just want to have fun with cosplay. For some people, cosplay’s a competition. I’m just doing what I love to do. Before cosplay, I was just a quiet person. I’m still a quiet person but cosplay has allowed me to open up more.

10) What is something you’ve learned about yourself since you started cosplaying? 

Louie: I’m struggling since I’ve been on my own away from my family but cosplay has helped me become a better person.

11) You are Apocalypse, who are your four horsemen?

Louie: Scarlet Witch, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Storm.

12) We deal heavily in Anime, do you dabble at all? If so, what are some of your favorites?

Louie: Sailor Moon is my number one because it was my first anime. Cowboy Bebop, Ninja Scroll and even some of the video games turned to anime they have some really good stuff.

For more from Louie 

Photography Facebook | Photography Instagram |

Cosplay:  Youtube | Tumblr | Patreon | Facebook | Instagram | Twitch | Twitter |

Music: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter| Soundcloud|

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