Recommendations: Captain Kacela (Comic)
Captain Kacela: Universal Ranger by Kamau Mshale. Issue 1 was released February 2009, two more issues were released in the following years. All self published, I liked to add.
Captain Kacela, follows 17 year old Kai Kacela born on Earth but was raised on Planet Citala. She dreams of being a Ranger like her Mentor. When she finally gets her chance to show her stuff. Things go wrong and she ended up stranded on Earth.
One of the first things that caught my attention was obviously the melanin. But. also the shapeliness of the artist work. And after talking with Kamau at bit. He explain that this was intentional. He wanted to touch a demographic that was usually over looked in comics.(more shapely woman)
I look forward to seeing how this story progresses.
If your interested. You can pick up volume one below; Digital or Print format
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3