Image result for stan lee
Image from ABC

One of the most important iconic people of our time passed away Monday. Stanley Martin Lieber otherwise, known as Stan Lee. He is known by all comic book lovers as the father of Marvel Studios. A life filled with more than enough fame and hero worship by all those fans that followed the legendary writer and artist; December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018. This man is known throughout the comic world, even more throughout the planet itself as a man of equality, diversity, and love of all. Stan Lee was a comic book writer, publisher, chairman, director, and editor. He leads a small publishing company and helped turn it into a large multimedia company, the same company we all know today as the infamous Marvel Studios. It is sad to see him go but he will never be forgotten with all the work he has achieved over the many years.

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Image: telegraph

Stan Lee was a writer before anything else. Which required him to work with several artists and others who assisted in creating the loaded world that we know today. Characters such as; the Daredevil, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Thor, X-Men, Hulk, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, and Iron Man. While he helped create so many of the names stated, he also remained a head figure in the company he helped create and had a large and loyal fan base following him from his very earliest moments. Even after his retirement Stan Lee still remained one of the most important figures to the company.

So much so in fact, that he was asked to become almost a telltale character in each and every one of the Marvel movies that were made throughout the years. He worked with the producers in the Marvel movies as well and helped give the heroes lifelike qualities because of it. Stan Lees legendary cameos will always remain a staple in all of the Marvel movies.

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Often referred to as a true believer in diversity and equality, Stan Lee made sure to always spread good thoughts and make sure that everyone had a fair shot at becoming a hero, no matter color, gender, or role. For that reason his work in Marvel Studios, as well in all the other things he did, he managed to earn attention and achievement. He received many awards such as the Will Eisner Hall of Fame, Jack Kirby Hall of Fame, and National Medals of Arts. Forever the hero of all heroes in the comic world as well as in many artists, and writers who followed him, Stan Lee will always be remembered with true love and admiration.



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