Suzuka 涼風 is a anime directed by Hiroshi Fukutomi based on a manga series of the same name by Seo Kouji. Suzuka follows protagonist Yamato Akitsuki who moves from Hiroshima to Toyko for a new start.  And his housemate turned love interest Suzuka Asahina a rising track and field star, who specializes in the high jump.

I just finished rewatching Suzuka and to be honest. I don’t know how I feel.  Prior to my revisit, I didn’t really remember much and I own the box set.  I’m assuming I purchased it because I really enjoyed the anime.  On the other hand, maybe I purchased it so that I could watch it, the same way I did with Rumbling Hearts.  But it’s been 8 plus years, I’m not really sure what my opinion was of it back then but I still have it. So that must count for something.

Fast forward to now, One thing, I really enjoyed about Suzuka was that it was a romance story mostly from the male respective.  I can’t think of any of other romance series from the male perspective that doesn’t fall under the ecchi and harem category.  That in itself is refreshing.

I’ve watched a lot of romance series and with the exception of Say I Love You, this was different from anything else I have seen in terms of how the romance played out. And what I meant by that, their relationship was a slow build.  Yamato caught feelings very early in the series and Suzuka slowly came to love him, not willingly I might add.  Their dynamic was unconventional.  They argued all the time.  Some of this arguments stemmed from Yamato’s lack of chill and others from Ashihina gruffness.  To the point, where Yamato was convinced Suzuka hated him. I mean it kinda looked that way from the outside looking in.

Yamato was the character going to through the motions in their relationship. He was the one crying and doing all the things that are usually associated with girls when in love.

And while Suzuka battle was a lot more silent and aggressive. The role reversal is really something that I cannot stress enough.

Suzuka and Yamato are both low key salty individuals.  In all honesty, I love it.  Though Suzuka is a an asshat.  I get why she is the way she is. While I can’t fault her for protecting herself. That’s human nature but that doesn’t mean that she didn’t rub me the wrong way. Akitsuki is also a pain in the ass. He whines way too much for a young man. I can’t even front, there were moments where I couldn’t help but feel proud of him. Even though, Suzuka is annoying at times she still a pretty cool character.  Through all the bs, you still want them to win.  The sports team element helped both of them to be redeemed.

Honestly, It took me a while to finish this.  With the span of twenty-six episodes. I should have polished this off a lot faster but, the rush to finish just wasn’t there.   I’m a binge watcher, so that says a lot.    But I can be picky at times, so don’t mind me. Overall, I really enjoyed this revisit.   laughed, I got pissed, I pondered and just had a good time.

So check it out and let me know what you think.


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