This weekend November 17 – 19 is Anime NYC the return of an NYC anime convention after so many years of being “fused” with New York Comic Con. Anime NYC is funded by so many amazing sponsors that we all know because they bring us some of our favorite anime shows and manga, it’s so much anticipation building up for anime NYC that it literally has to give us it’s best A+ game just for the comeback.

Anime NYC has a lot of activities going on and not enough time to enjoy all of it so like every convention I hope you guys get a chance to check out the schedule on the website so you can plan what you want to do early so it’s worth the money and time. Just like any convention, you will gravitate to something that you’ll see on the schedule and probably stay in one spot majority of the day. There are more activities outside of the schedule.

We are working on a lot of posts centered around anime NYC since we’re so excited to see an anime convention come back to New York City. We will spotlight a few of the guests were hoping to see at the convention and some of the premieres happening this weekend are going to be epic.

If you guys are interested in Anime NYC tickets are still on sale for this weekend and if you subscribe to Crunchy Roll you’ll get a $10 discount off your ticket. As of right now, only Friday and Sunday passes are still available either day is still worth checking out Anime NYC.

In case you missed it:

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