Soulcial Sunday – Spotify Playlist Week 12


WHEW! It’s been a busy couple of weeks for us but we made it through and got our content out and now we’re going to start up early for our press coverage of AnimeNYC in November. This will be the last con of the year for us and we’ll start gearing up for 2019. 
A lot of things didn’t work out for us as we hoped this year but you can only learn lessons from failure. We will try many new things in 2019 to try and see if it changes anything for us. We love what we do with all the different aspects of SDE and will continue forever because this brand has become so much more of the last few years and that’s thanks to the people we meet and interact with online. We are so grateful for meeting so many of you at cons and conversing online that these moments of supporting each other is what we thrive to bring with our platform.

Our WordPress anniversary is coming up next month and we have a few ideas we want to experiment with so be on the lookout for anything we are throwing your way in the next few weeks.

All of our J1-Con is almost out so in case you missed it here’s a list of all the press coverage!

This is another Spotify Playlist and we’re at week 12 already. I hope we’re a good music plug for you guys this week.

Spotify Playlist Week 12

Thank You

Live Fearlessly, Dream Extraordinary 

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