Yuri On Ice
I finally got to watch the famous and most talked about show Yuri On Ice. I really enjoyed this anime....
I finally got to watch the famous and most talked about show Yuri On Ice. I really enjoyed this anime....
My Favorite Reverse Harem I have read so far is Alice in the Country of Hearts. I love reading manga...
Showtime The concert was on September 25th and the whole SDE team went to this concert. Now I'm a...
Put your Signs up Today makes a week since the 1llionaire No Re$t Concert in New York City. And I...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD1pbWCJcKQ Detroit: Become Human Trailer (more…)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Xx3MdqdgM Horizon Zero Dawn Gameplay (more…)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=243NzPs0vG4 Watch Dogs 2 Gameplay (more…)
Disney has been doing right by Marvels legacy so far. And too be honest, I was skeptical at first. Because Disney...
Princeless created by Jeremy Whitley (more…)
The next black comic in our celebration of Black History Month is Afroella Created by Gemma Bedeau the writer and Lee...